Dragon Nest Offline Beta 2014 New Update

Hello Para Gemer Indo , Kali ini saya akan menpostingkan tentang game Offline yg Paling di tunggu
Oke , Pada malam ini Yogyakarta sudah Turun salju ( Abu Vulkanik Gunung Kelud )
Next Step... 
NB : Kami Menggunakan Bahasa English Dimohon Menggunakan Google Translate....

Fast way
For the ones who hasn't a preconfigured server.

1. Serverfiles
Unpack dn_serverfiles.exe
Unpack GameRes + VillageRes
-> link from adastmin <-
I take no responsibility for it!
look at path: (003/Res) after unpacking
Quote Originally Posted by MuP
You NEED the unpacked GameRes in the mainfolder (GameRes.zip is not included in the serverfiles!)
Depending on the source of that, you could also need VillageRes.zip (copy it in GameRes)
- The executables are packed with UPX (feel free to unpack it)

2. Configs
2.1 Change YOURIP to yourip
- Config.ini
- System\ChannelInfo.xml
- Config\DNKreonBilling.ini
- Config\DNGame.ini
- Config\DNVillage.ini
2.2 Change PATHTOSFOLDER to your serverpath e.g. c:\DNServer
- Config\DNLauncherPatcher.ini
- Config\DNVillage.ini
- Config\DNDB.INI
- Config\DNGame.ini

3. Database
Unpack dn_database_clean.exe and restore your database(s) with it
(Check 'Replace current Database' on Options point!)
Be sure to have 2008 R2 or higher!

4. Client
4.1 The base Client (Use this one, so you don't have to fix packets or sth.)
4.2 HShield (you will need it! Delete the Folder in the Client and replace with my one)
The rar is packed with WinRar 5, be sure that you have that, else it seems to be corrupted for you!
4.3 Exe
Unpack dn_clientstarter.exe in your client folder

5. Webfiles
Before you can login, you have to copy login.kreon.php from
dn_webfiles.exe to your webserver -> the path must be
Better (for later use of patcher) extract the whole thing
to that path. Replace 'YOURIP' to your ip, like above in
- PatchConfigList.xml
- PatchList.xml
PatchInfoServer.cfg is the patchrevision
(note the client above has patchrevision 13)
/cashshop is used for the ingameshop
/Launcher is used for the patcher(window)content

6. Start your Server via StartServer.bat
7. Start Client via RZDragonNest.exe
- You have to match your start args. via start_args.ini (Default: /ip: /port:14303)
You can later bind it to your exe, but that's your part.
BTW: It will only unpack the original exe and start that with the args
(If you have problems with that, look at "Made it by yourself" => point 6)
8. Create an account (AccountLevelCode 100 give access to admin commands)
USE [DNMembership]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[P_AddAccount]
@nvcAccountName = N'USERNAME',
@inyAccountLevelCode = 100,
@inyCharacterCreateLimit = 4,
@inyCharacterMaxCount = 4,
@dt2LastLoginDate = NULL,
@vchLastLoginIP = NULL,
@intLastSessionID = NULL,
@vchJoinIP = NULL,
@inyPublisherCode = 4,
@inyGenderCode = NULL,
@datBirthDate = NULL,
@vchPassphrase = N'PASSWORT',
@inyNationalityCode = NULL,
@inyChannelPartnerCode = NULL
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
9. Passwords for archives

Made it by yourself 
For the ones who has a preconfigured server and only need a connectionfix.
You must have a configured Server for this.
It will only show you how to 'fix' certain things.
DON'T do this way after you used the other one!!!
1. LoginServer
Open DNLoginServer64_ID.exe:
Search for:
68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 67 61 73 2E 67 65 6D 73 63
6F 6F 6C 2E 63 6F 6D 2F 6D 65 6D 62 65 72 2F 31
2F 6C 6F 67 69 6E 2E 6B 72 65 6F 6E 00 00 00 00
Replace with:
68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 31 32 37 2E 30 2E 30 2E 31
2F 64 6E 2F 6C 6F 67 69 6E 2E 6B 72 65 6F 6E 2E
70 68 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Now the Auth is linked to your Webserver (hopefully you have installed one)
You can name the path to the authfile (webspace) how you like.

2. The Auth
Now create a file named login.kreon.php at the path above.
In that file the loginchecks are possible.
look at the asm code if you want a 'perfect' one and
have the different checks in it, try the diffrent params...
To simple give out a success:
<?php echo "S000"; ?>

3. Database
To login you have to change something in the database functions:
Replace the highlighted with the green ones!
P_Login ~Line 329:
WHERE CAST(CONVERT(char(16), @dt2Now, 121) AS smalldatetime) BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate;
WHERE @dt2Now BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate;

P_ModPeriodicReset ~Line 42:
VALUES (@inbCharacterID, @inyPeriodicResetCode, @intPeriodicResetValue, CAST(CONVERT(char(16), @dtmServerTime, 121) AS smalldatetime));
VALUES (@inbCharacterID, @inyPeriodicResetCode, @intPeriodicResetValue, @dtmServerTime);

P_ModPeriodicReset ~Line 36:
LastModifyDate = CAST(CONVERT(char(16), @dtmServerTime, 121) AS smalldatetime)
, LastModifyDate = @dtmServerTime

4. GameRes
For simple 24Cap you don't have to do sth. here.

5. Client
For simple 24Cap you don't have to do sth. here.

6. Create a .bat file to start Client
@echo off
echo == Starting DragonNest
DragonNest.exe /ip: /port:14303 /Lver:2 /use_packing /debug

Sometimes the Game- and Villageserver will take a bit until they are completly loaded
(the green bubble don't says that it is, because it only shows the successful start!!)
You can check it (Gameserver) if you take a look in the logfiles and see this entry
'20:31:12' Complete PreLoad.

kind regards
leechclown (パシー305)

-- edit --
Example screensan old one:
newer ones:

added link for gameres

3 Responses to "Dragon Nest Offline Beta 2014 New Update"

  1. bang bisa di translate kan gk bang ?

    saya gk ngerti nieh

  2. i think the server files are for 64bit computers only, please give link for 32bit user please! :)

  3. please give link for 32bit users thanks! :)
